When you are told you will receive Professional Representation...you expect ...Professional Representation....
What happened.......
In a recent transaction, the listing agent relied on builders plans for correct size measurements. A professional Realtor® knows everyone measures differently. CREB has its own guidelines. Condos EACH are sized differently. Different items may or may not be included in your registered size (balconies, parking, storage, wall thickness, etc.) Custom homes make alternations. The City measurements are not always correct. WHAT SHOULD YOU DO?
What NOT TO DO is rely on someone else’s info. In this case, the listing realtor listed the house based on builders plans measurements. I did my job and GOT IT PROFESSIONALLY MEASURED for my buying client and found it to be 120 sq ft MORE! Guess what? The seller under listed and under sold the home for their seller. MY BUYER got a great deal! (FOUND MONEY: selling at $400 per sq ft in this area/style/size X 120 sq ft=$48,000!!)
WHO would you want listing your home? A professional realtor or someone who guesses at what they are selling?
Expect the BEST and CHOOSE a PROFESSIONAL Realtor®